Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Examining Vegan Propaganda - Spiritual, Epidemiological, Anthropological

In this video I explain why I do not agree with the many claims made by the vegan community that being a vegan is better for our health and our planet. I have spent about 8 years researching the various arguments and points made by the vegetarian/vegan communities. I have remained silent for years and researched, analyzed and observed from epidemiological, biological, nutritional. spiritual, historical, anthropological and archaelogical standpoints and nowhere in there could I find STRONG EVIDENCE that we are supposed to just eat plants and/or that all animal foods are poisonous. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH. Because the FACT is there has never been any civilization (that has produced healthy strong babies generation after generation) who were vegans. All humans consumed an ominvorous diet of microorganisms, plant, animal and foods.

As an EDUCATOR, RESEARCHER and PRACTIONNER I feel that I have the right to speak on this issue so that people can maked educated and fully informed decisions on their path to OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE.


  1. Thank you for putting the facts out about proper nutrition. You helped me break through the veil of Vegan propaganda and see the actual truth based on evidence. Now that I have the facts, and the info from Weston Price Foundation I know the cause of issues I've been having since adopting the vegetarian diet, such as tooth decay and joint problems. Keep putting out that good info. We need someone out here counteracting the misinformation propagated be these self appointed health gurus and dogmatic vegans.

  2. I completely agree with you. I used to work in a Vegan restaurant. A cooperative, so we had no boss- just each other. I would work there again in a heartbeat, but it irritated me that we would work so hard to recreate meat with "vegetables". I'm sorry, but 100% wheat gluten (ie. Seitan) does not make a healthy sandwich topping. There is a correlation between vegetarianism and veganism and overall health, but NOT because they don't eat meats, but because when people choose to be vegetarians, they also typically choose to do other healthy activities such as excercise. Simply not eating meat isn't going to make anyone ultra-healthy. I understand that some vegans do it because they really are legitimately disgusted by animal products, and that's fine. Just don't tell EVERYONE that that is how everyone should eat.

    However, I will say that it is a bit silly for some people to call vegans pretentious because I've seen a lot more people wearing shirts about eating bacon than about eating broccoli. Just a rant :P
